Serving the Application
Once you have made an application, you have to serve a copy to people who are affected by it. Under the SAT Rules, you have seven days after applying to serve the application on the other parties, unless SAT orders otherwise.
Who are the people who are affected by an application?
This may include:
- the decision maker in a review application
- people or organisations named in an original application
- any person the SAT Act or enabling legislation states must have a copy
- any person SAT says must have a copy
Are there any exceptions?
Yes. According to some enabling Acts, such as the Guardianship and Administration Act 1990, the applicant does not have to serve documents on other people. In these cases, SAT will give relevant parties notice of a hearing.
How do I serve the application?
An application for a review of a decision may be served by:
- delivering a copy personally to their home address or office;
- posting a copy; or
- emailing a copy to a decision maker if they have given SAT a registered email address for service
An application for an original decision by SAT may be served on the respondent in various ways depending on who the respondent is:
- an individual – by personally giving them a copy;
- a corporation – by leaving a copy at its registered office, principal office or principal place of business;
- an unincorporated association – by leaving a copy at its principal office or principal place of business; or
- a public sector body – by faxing, posting or delivering a copy to their office or address for service
Last updated: 14 June 2024
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