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State Administrative Tribunal
State Administrative Tribunal

Interim Applications

What is an interim application?

An interim order is a temporary decision made by the Tribunal pending a final determination on the matter. An example of a temporary decision is a ‘stay order’ to ‘freeze’ a notice of demolition of a property while a SAT review is underway. Therefore, interim applications should only be lodged against existing matters at the SAT.

While an interim application will be considered in a timely manner, the lodgment of an interim application does not guarantee that your matter will be determined on an urgent basis.

The interim application will ordinarily be discussed at the next directions hearing, however, if you believe your application is urgent, you should call the Tribunal on 9219 3111.

If the interim order you seek is an injunction, note that SAT may require an undertaking as to costs or damages as it considers appropriate.

How do I apply?

You will need to file an interim application form in addition to the standard application. You can download the interim application form here. Once you have filled it out, you must submit the completed form through eLodgment via the eCourts Portal on your existing matter, or alternatively by lodgment in person at the Tribunal's Registry, or by post or facsimile.

You should lodge any important documents or materials that might support your application. This will help SAT determine whether the matter is urgent and whether any stay, an injunction or other order should be granted.

You must also supply a copy of the interim application, statement and supporting documents to each party to the proceedings within 2 days of filing the interim application or as otherwise indicated by SAT.

Last updated: 22 August 2023

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