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State Administrative Tribunal
State Administrative Tribunal

Goods and Services

SAT has jurisdiction under the following pieces of legislation and has powers including:

 Chattel Securities Act 1987

  • to review decisions by the Commissioner in relation to compensation for the extinguishment of a security interest or the purchase of registrable goods.

Energy Coordination Act 1994

  • to review decisions by the Authority in relation to retail or trading licences and retail market schemes;
  • to review decisions by the Director in relation to orders by inspectors against network operators.

Fair Trading Act 2010

  • to make an order in relation to a contravention of the applicable prescribed code of practice by a person who has carried on business.

Fire and Emergency Services Act 1998

  • to review decisions by the Minister about the purpose for which land is used for the purpose of the emergency services levy.

Fire Brigades Act 1942

  • to review decisions by the FES Commissioner directing the installation of certain fire fighting appliances in premises or the abatement of danger present in premises.

Food Act 2008

  • to review decisions by the CEO or an enforcement agency in relation to food businesses, such as the registration of a food business or a certificate of clearance, and compensation from the making of an emergency order.
  • to review decisions by the CEO in relation to the approval of laboratories, analysts and food safety auditors for carrying out analysis of samples

Hire-Purchase Act 1959

  • To review decisions by the Commissioner in relation to non-conforming hire-purchase agreements or giving consent for an owner to exercise any power of taking possession of goods.

Liquor Control Act 1988

  • to review decisions by the Director (CEO of the Department) with respect to proceedings before the Director.

Major Events (Aerial Advertising) Act 2009

  • to review decisions by the Minister to refuse to declare an event to be an event for the purposes of the Act.

Tobacco Products Control Act 2006

  • to review decisions by the CEO of the Department in relation to licences to sell tobacco products
  • On allegation by the CEO, to determine disciplinary action proceedings against a licence holder.

Last updated: 21 August 2023

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