Compulsory Conferences
At a compulsory conference, issues are identified and resolved before a final hearing.
A compulsory conference is similar to mediation. However, in a compulsory conference the SAT member usually takes a more active approach to resolving the dispute, and if the compulsory conference does not result in settlement, the SAT member who conducted it cannot take any further part in the proceedings.
A SAT member or judge may schedule a compulsory conference at a directions hearing or later in the proceedings. Parties may also request SAT to make a compulsory conference order.
If you don’t attend, you will likely miss out on being involved in the proceedings. The member may strike absent parties from the proceedings or make a final decision and orders based on the information before them.
If a final settlement is reached, a settlement agreement will be made and SAT will make orders to give it effect. If the matter is only partially resolved, an agreement can be made on the issues resolved.
If the matter is partially resolved or not resolved, SAT will give directions concerning its future conduct.
The compulsory conference will usually be held at the SAT offices. SAT will advise parties of the date, time and room number.
Last updated: 21 August 2023
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